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Help for Ukrainians Fleeing From War

Refugee Council

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Help for Ukrainians fleeing from war

Donations for international help of UNHCR for refugees of Ukraine:

Lithuania host refugees from Ukraine, you can contribute:

The Lithuanian Red Cross, Caritas Lithuania, the Maltese, the Food Bank and Save the Children are starting to raise funds to help Ukrainians fleeing the war in Ukraine in Lithuania. The funds raised will be used for humanitarian aid, first psychosocial care and first aid:

Calling short number 1485 (donation 5 Eur)

„Stiprūs kartu“ initiative

If you have a vacant apartment, house or room in Lithuania, you want to transport Ukrainians from the Polish border, fill the form: -

You want to become a volunteer and help Ukrainians fleeing the war, volunteering opportunities:

You can register here:


Malta Order

Support fr academic community

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) opens a targeted account to which members of the MRU community, alumni, social and academic partners in Lithuania and abroad are to transfer funds to support the Ukrainian academic community (LT52 7300 0101 5380 3290, purpose - PARAMA UKRAINAI). All funds raised are used for social support, accommodation, social and incentive scholarships for Ukrainian students / teachers.

VU University gathers support for the Ukrainian academic community affected by the aggression of the Russian government to continue its research activities in Lithuania and Ukraine. Vilnius University has already expanded in 2020. The conditions of the GDL scholarship were established in the summer of 2006 and is ready to offer free studies and financial assistance to Ukrainian students.

VDU university invites natural and legal persons to contribute to the activities of the fund by providing support. Sponsors can provide financial support to Ukrainian students or provide it with their own goods or services, as well as provide paid internships in their companies or organizations, thus ensuring these students' opportunities for independent living during their studies in Lithuania. Funds for this project can be transferred to a special account of AB SEB bankas: LT41 7044 0600 0284 8638

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