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Refugee Council

Don't miss the opportunity to watch the touching documentary movie 'the Cave'. The movie portrays the reality of Syrian doctors working in the underground hospital. Even in the darkest of moments, The Cave’s staff stay resolute and do their best to improvise surgeries without anesthesia or come up with enough food for the entire staff. It also focuses on the story and portrait of Dr. Amani Ballour, who stayed behind to manage the hospital. It's now been nine years since the start of the war in Syria – and Syrian civilians are still dying and seeking safety as refugees. Watch the trailer:

In Lithuania, people from different countries apply for and receive asylum. These are people from different educational backgrounds, professions and beliefs. These are not only people retreating from the war, but also, for various political reasons, human rights violations, who are forced to leave their countries - politicians, journalists, human rights defenders, etc. The documentary 'Welcome to Chechnya' invites to learn about the situation of the LGBTQ + community in Chechnya and the activities of human rights activists trying to provide them with safe asylum. Watch trailer:

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