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Refugee Council

The Vision of Europe, where the Life and Dignity of every Human Being is respected and valued

We are following with sadness the events in Ukraine, which forced millions of people to search for asylum and safety. It is great and admirable that so many people in Lithuania offered their help, host Ukrainian families at their homes and show incredible solidarity.

Unfortunately, people, who have crossed the Lithuanian-Belarusian border and arrived from other zones of conflict and live in detention for 8 months now, did not receive such positive welcome and often live in uncertainty and fear, which has been exacerbated by the events in Ukraine.

On 2nd-3rd of March, the delegation from the European Parliament visited Lithuania and assessed the situation on the border with Belarus. The main purpose of the visit was to assess the situation of Lithuanian and Latvian migrants and applicants for international protection in both countries and the situation at the border with Belarus.

During the press conference, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar (chairman of the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) expressed his serious concerns about the conditions of these people in detention centers and the violations of European asylum law and highlighted that we should improve. You can listen to the press conference:

Our organization created online space, where foreigners, who received asylum in Lithuania and asylum seekers can share their stories and experiences in Lithuania and society can hear and learn from them.

We encourage not to be indifferent to the destinies of these people too and defend together the vision of Europe, where the Life and Dignity of every Human Being is respected and valued.

You can contribute to the activities of our organization by donations. Refugee Council, Public Institution LT69 3500 0100 1205 1623 Paysera LT (donation)

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