Check various Lithuanian learning opportunities below!!! The members of the Council emphasize the importance of learning the Lithuanian language, as the necessary element of inclusion and integration into Lithuanian society. "We have to learn the language of the country, so that we can speak, communicate with other people" ."First of all, our barrier is language". "The Lithuanian language is not easy, it is the first and big barrier, if we cross that barrier, we can do more good things, good work." Various opportunities to improve Lithuanian skills for free: Language lessons at:
VA Caritas Užsieniečių integracijos programa more at:
Lietuvos Raudonojo Kryžiaus Kauno centras organize Lithuanian language speaking club in Kaunas. More info at:
Speak Kaunas offer free vouchers for language courses for refugees: More info at:
Bendrystės ir socialinių inovacijų centras organize free Lithuanian courses for immigrant women. More info at:
Menų agentūra Artscape Human aid platform online courses:
Pirmas Blynas Lithuanian classes. More info at:
Renkuosi Lietuvą various resources for learning Lithuanian at:…/lithuanian-language-class…/
A good Lithuanian language resource that is available for speakers of over 100 languages is the World Schoolbooks app. It is free and easy to learn with.